Follia. Questo è il tema scelto per l’edizione di èStoria 2021. Ci lasceremo andare alle suggestioni che la follia ha sempre suscitato Esploreremo la storia della medicina e della psichiatria e approfondiremo l’evoluzione dell’istituzione manicomiale e le manifestazioni di devianza collettiva nella storia.
Scopri di piùQuest’anno il Festival si svolgerà in un luogo dalla forte carica simbolica: il Parco Basaglia di Gorizia. Qui sorgeva l’ospedale psichiatrico di Gorizia in cui il dottor Franco Basaglia, promotore di una psichiatria rinnovata e volta a un approccio più “umano”, operò per diverso tempo.
Scopri di piùGrande novità di questa edizione sarà l’inaugurazione di un nuovo festival parallelo, èStoria Film Festival che dedicherà alla follia un’ampia retrospettiva e rivolgerà lo sguardo ad alcune fra le novità più significative nell’ambito della cinematografia storica apparse negli
ultimi anni.
èStoria sweeps through time on topics of great relevance with a multidisciplinary approach. During the days of the Festival, there are meetings, which bring together the most authoritative voices animating international research and historical-cultural debate, book presentations, performances, exhibitions, projections and accounts of witnesses.
Our challenge is to propose a popular and excellent event, a challenge we want to continue to take up with courage and awareness, supported by the proximity of a city proud of its potential and the warmth of an audience increasingly eager for history and stories.
The festival brings the history as a reason for dialogue and Gorizia as a meeting place to the centre stage, never renouncing a sensitive attention to the specificities of the territory.
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The existence of this Festival is one of the things that still gives me hope for the future of this country
èStoria is an antidote to the discredit that is being inflicted on the study of history. Long live the èStoria Festival!
I believe that this Festival is one of the best and most intelligent cultural event taking place in Italy. It has no ideological bias, it is very open, and it enjoys a very wide national and international participation
I was impressed by this mass of audience and the intensity of attention from those who listened to me. Thank you èStoria
It is a beautiful Festival and I, as a writer, am very happy to participate in an event so rich in audience attendance and so full of very interesting topics
The Festival is an opportunity to talk to those who, like me, are passionate about history, and thus also to find oneself a little at home
Strategical, international, very beautiful
It is a beautiful and courageous initiative. It is the best way, for those who deal with history, to tell it and tell themselves
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